
سرير مزدوج

KSF118T-The outstanding feature of our double multifunctional bassinet is its twin-friendly design. Made for twin families, it holds two babies side-by-side, ensuring they stay close and comfortable while sleeping.

  • الأصل: شيامن ، الصين
  • شروط التجارة الدولية: FOB ، CIF ، CFR ، EXW
  • شروط الدفع: LC في الأفق ، T / T
  • المهلة الزمنية: 45-60 يومًا
  • المنفذ: شيامن ، الصين 

  • للتوائم ، 2 أسرة. يمكن أن يكون كسرير بجانب السرير
  • الحجم: 93X93X80 / 68 سم 
  • المواد: الكتان + ABS + الألومنيوم
  • تتكشف الحجم: 93X14X93cm 
  • 6 ارتفاعات
  • 2 سلة تخزين
  • مرتبة سمكا
  • 4 عجلات صغيرة
  • تمتد الساقين
  • زاوية الميل
  • مسند ذراع قابل للفصل 
  • وظيفة التأرجح


Welcoming a Double Bassinett into your life is an extraordinary blessing, and ensuring their comfort and safety is paramount. As a parent of twins, you know that quality sleep is essential for your baby’s development and health. That’s where our twin سرير متعدد الوظائف comes in – a game-changing sleep solution designed specifically for your twin’s needs. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the product attributes, features, functions, benefits and various applications of this remarkable double co sleeper bassinet for tall bed.

خصائص المنتج

1. Twin friendly design

The outstanding feature of our double multifunctional bassinet is its twin-friendly design. Made for twin families, it holds two babies side-by-side, ensuring they stay close and comfortable while sleeping.

2. Sturdy structure

This co sleeper bassinet for tall bed is made of high quality material and durable. Its sturdy frame provides stability and durability, giving you peace of mind that your baby is safe.

3. Safety certification

When it comes to baby products, safety is paramount. Our double bassinets meet and exceed all safety standards. It’s designed with a secure connection mechanism, breathable sides, and non-toxic materials to ensure a safe sleeping environment for your little one.

4. Adjustable function

To suit the individual needs of the twins, this bassinet is equipped with adjustable features. You can customize the incline, height and mattress firmness to create the perfect sleeping conditions for each baby.

5. Easy to move

This two-person multifunctional bassinet is equipped with wheels so it can be easily moved from room to room. Whether you need to keep an eye on your twins during the day or want them to be around at night, moving is a breeze.


1. Sleep side by side

Our twin co sleeper bassinet for tall bed allows your twins to sleep side by side, fostering intimacy from the start. This arrangement promotes bonding and makes it easier for you to feed and soothe at night.

2. Personalized comfort

Each bassinet unit is adjustable, which means you can meet each baby’s specific needs. Whether you prefer a slightly reclined sleeping position or a firmer mattress, you can adjust the settings accordingly.

3. Breathable mesh sides

Safety and comfort go hand in hand. The bassinet’s breathable mesh sides ensure proper ventilation, reduce the risk of overheating and provide a clear view of your baby at all times.

4. Storage space

Babies come with a lot of accessories and our bassinets have what you need. It includes built-in storage pockets for diapers, wipes, pacifiers, and other essentials, keeping everything within easy reach.

5. Smooth pulleys

The cradle’s wheels provide easy mobility, allowing you to easily move it around your home. Whether you’re in the nursery, living room, or bedroom, your twin can accompany you wherever you go.

6. Convertible design

As your baby grows, so does the bassinet. It easily converts into a separate cot or playpen, making it usable well beyond the newborn stage.

7. Easy to clean

Parenting is hard work, and baby items need to be easy to clean. Our double multifunctional bassinet comes with a removable, machine washable mattress cover and wipeable surface to ensure cleaning is a breeze.

مواصفات المنتج

1. Safe and Cohesive Sleep

The main function of our twin سرير النوم المشترك لسرير طويل is to provide a safe and rewarding sleeping environment for your twins. The side-by-side sleeping arrangement promotes bonding between babies and makes your nighttime care more convenient.

2. Customized comfort

This bassinet features adjustable incline, height and mattress firmness settings, allowing you to create the ideal sleeping conditions for each baby. Whether they have reflux issues or just prefer a different sleeping position, you can meet their individual needs.

3. Ventilation and visibility

Breathable mesh sides ensure proper airflow, reducing the risk of suffocation and giving you a clear view of your baby. You can rest easy knowing they are safe and comfortable.

4. Convenient storage

Parenting twins can be hectic, and having the essentials within easy reach is a lifesaver. Simplify your nursing routine with built-in storage pockets for easy access to diapers, wipes and pacifiers.

5. Portability

Smooth-gliding wheels make it easy to move the bassinet around the house, keeping your baby close no matter where you are. This feature is especially useful when you want to keep an eye on your children during the day.

6. Long-term use

Our bassinet adapts as your twins grow. It can be transformed into a free-standing crib or playpen, expanding its functionality and saving you the expense of buying additional baby gear.

مزايا المنتج

1. Enhance adhesion

Sharing a sleeping space can foster bonding between twins and foster a sense of security. You can easily monitor and interact with both babies, strengthening your bond with each one.

2. Safety first

Safety is our top priority. The double multifunctional bassinet has been rigorously tested and complies with all safety standards, ensuring your baby sleeps in a safe environment. Breathable mesh sides reduce the risk of choking, and the sturdy frame ensures stability.

3. Personalized comfort

No two babies are alike, and our cradles recognize this. With adjustable settings, you can accommodate each baby’s unique preferences, ensuring they sleep soundly and comfortably.

4. Convenience at your fingertips

Parenting twins is a complicated affair, and convenience is key. Built-in storage pockets and easy-to-move features simplify your daily routine so you can focus on what matters most – your baby.

5. Cost-effective solution

For parents of twins, buying our twin co sleeper bassinet for tall bed is a smart choice. Its convertible design means you don’t need to buy multiple sleep solutions as your baby grows, saving you money and storage space.

6. Durable and easy to maintain

Our cradles are made of high-quality materials and are durable. Its machine washable mattress cover and wipeable surface make cleaning a breeze, ensuring it stays looking its best.


1. Newborn twins

For parents of twins, a double bassinet is a godsend. Provide safe, comfortable and convenient sleep solutions for your newborns, allowing you to care for them easily.

2. Night feeding

With twins around, night feedings are less of a hassle. You can meet their needs in time to help them get back to sleep faster.

3. Personalize sleep

Your twins may have different sleep preferences. Our bassinets feature adjustable features that allow you to meet each baby’s comfort needs, ensuring a restful night’s sleep for both babies.

4. Take naps during the day

During the day, you can move the multifunctional bassinet to the living room or any other room you are in to keep your twins close while you go about your daily activities.

5. Long-term use

As the twins grow, the cradle evolves with it. It converts into a free-standing crib or playpen, providing your child with a safe, familiar sleeping environment.

6. Travel companion

The mobility of our double bassinet makes it a great travel companion. Whether you’re visiting friends and family or going on vacation, you can bring the comfort of being at home.

مواصفات سرير مزدوج

رقم الصنف.: KSF118T
لون: رمادي
مادة: كتان + ABS + ألومنيوم
مقاس:  93 × 55 × 80/68 سم
مُكَمِّلات: مرتبتان ، سلتان ، وظيفة هزاز ، 4 عجلات ، حزام قابل للتثبيت على سرير الكبار. 
وظيفة: هزاز ، سرير بجانب السرير للتوائم ، شبكة الفصل لسريرَين
NW: 16.8 كجم
غيغاواط: 18.2 كجم
حمولة: 520 قطعة / 40 قدمًا


الاستفادة من سرير الذي يتصل بالسرير هو أنه يسمح للرضيع بالشعور بالأمان أثناء النوم مع الأم. يجب أن يتعلم الأطفال تدريجياً تطوير أنماط نوم مستقلة.

اعتنِ جيدًا بعادات نوم طفلك ، وعيش حياة صحية ، وكن أماً حكيمة.
يوفر الدرابزين المرتفع لطفلك رعاية 360 درجة. المرتبة سميكة وصلبة وآمنة ، ويمكن أيضًا توصيلها بالسرير الرئيسي. يتيح لك التصميم الممتاز رعاية مولودك الجديد بشكل صحيح. يزيل التصميم المحسّن المخاوف بشأن خروج الرضيع من السرير ، مما يسمح للطفل باللعب بثقة.

 توفر المواد الصديقة للبيئة لحديثي الولادة الحماية الأكثر أمانًا في جميع الأوقات ، وينامون بالرائحة الطبيعية ، لذلك يتطلع الأطفال إلى الذهاب إلى الفراش.
تم تصميم رأس السرير المتوافق مع البشر بدون زوايا قائمة ، مما يسمح للأطفال باللعب بحرية على السرير دون خوف من المطبات الضارة.
يمكن استخدامه كسرير بجانب السرير ، مما يجعل من السهل جدًا على الآباء رعاية أطفالهم حديثي الولادة في الليل ، مع توفير بيئة استراحة مميزة للبالغين والأطفال.

In conclusion, the Twin Bassinet is the ultimate sleeping solution for parents of twins. Its twin-fit design, adjustable features, safety certifications, and convenience-enhancing features make it a valuable addition to your nursery. By facilitating bonding, ensuring safety and providing personalized comfort, the product truly understands the unique needs of twin babies.

Purchasing our twin multifunctional bassinet will not only guarantee better sleep for your twins, but also simplify your daily life as a parent. Its versatility and durability means it will serve your family well beyond the newborn stage, making it a cost-effective option. Embrace the joys of parenting twins with confidence and ease – order your twin co sleeper bassinet for tall bed today and give your precious babies the sleep they deserve.

لماذا تختار KSF كمورد لك


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لماذا الاختيار نحن?

1- الحماس
لو أنت يملك أي أسئلة متى التصفح منتج معلومة، لو سمحت اتصال نحن؛ نحن نكون مسرور ل مرحباً مستهلك تعليق و يحسن. 

لو أنت نكون زيارة الصين، أنت نكون مدعو ل يزور ملكنا مصنع؛ نحن سوف يختار أنت أعلى في ال مطار و يساعد أنت مع لك جدول في الصين.
2. آمنة
الجميع ل ملكنا تصميمات و منتجات نكون بصرامة مفحوصه في وفقا مع أمان أنظمة ل يضمن الذي - التي لا أجزاء ل ال أغراض نكون خطير ل أطفال. 

الجميع ل ال معدن عناصر نكون سلس، و ال بلاستيك القطع نكون غير سام و المضادة للأشعة فوق البنفسجية ، مقابلة ال طعام فصل متطلبات.

3. من ذوي الخبرة
تم إنشاء ألعابنا من قبل مصممين ذوي مهارات عالية بناءً على اهتمامات ومشاعر الشباب. بضائعنا ، بشخصياتها وأساليبها المتعددة ، لا توفر للشباب السعادة فحسب ، بل توفر أيضًا الصحة والحكمة.
4. جودة ممتازة
لطالما اعتقدنا أن الجودة هي روح المنتج. نحن نضمن أن تظل منتجاتنا في حالة ممتازة حتى بعد الاستخدام المطول أو في ظل الظروف الجوية القاسية.
5. تنافسية
سنقدم لك أقل الأسعار لنفس العناصر بنفس الجودة والمستوى. مقابل نفس المال ، ستتلقى تصميمات أكثر خبرة وتسليمًا أسرع وتعليمات تركيب احترافية وخدمات فائقة الجودة.



معلومات الشركة

شخص الاتصال: كاثي شيانغ

بريد إلكتروني: [email protected] 

Wechat / ما هو التطبيق: + 86-185 5976 9526

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