
سرير هزاز محمول


سرير هزاز محمول يجعل رعاية طفلك أسهل ، حرر يدي الوالدين. 

الحجم: 92X58X70-51 سنتيمتر 

حجم الطية: 60X20X63 سم

وزن خفيف: 7.29 كجم

مرتبة سميكة: 3 سم

مع هزاز. 

مرتبة في نسيج airm للتنفس. 

المواد: الألومنيوم + الكتان + PP

الشهادة: EN1130. ASTM F2194. 


Introducing our portable سرير النوم المشترك لسرير طويل, a combination of convenience and comfort designed to give your baby a restful and soothing sleep experience. Thoughtfully designed with baby and parent in mind, this innovative bassinet will be the perfect companion for your child’s peaceful sleep, whether at home or on the go.

خصائص المنتج

  • SAFETY GUARANTEE: Our portable co sleeper bassinet for tall bed is designed to meet strict safety standards to provide your baby with a safe and protected sleeping space.
  • PREMIUM COMFORT: Made with soft and breathable material to wrap your baby in a cozy cocoon for a restful sleep every time.
  • Portability: With a lightweight and foldable design, it can be easily carried, allowing you to easily carry it when you travel, or move it easily at home.
  • Sturdy Construction: Despite its portability, the bassinet has a solid construction that provides stability and durability for long-term use.
  • USER FRIENDLY: The bassinet’s intuitive assembly and easy-to-clean features make it a hassle-free choice for busy parents.


  • ROCKING MOTION: The portable co sleeper bassinet for tall bed gently rocks to mimic the soothing motion of a bassinet to lull your baby to sleep.
  • Breathable Mesh Sides: The bassinet is equipped with breathable mesh sides to promote proper air circulation and reduce the risk of overheating.
  • Removable Canopy: The removable canopy protects your baby from light and distractions, creating a restful, shaded sleeping environment.
  • INTEGRATED WHEELS: The bassinet features built-in wheels, making it easy to move from room to room without disturbing sleeping baby.
  • Roomy Storage: Convenient storage pockets provide ample space to keep baby essentials within easy reach, making late night diaper changes a breeze.

Product Features:

  • NOURISHING SLEEP: The main function of our portable co sleeper bassinet for tall bed is to create a safe and nurturing sleeping space for your baby, encouraging longer, more restful sleep.
  • ROCKING FOR COMFORT: Gentle rocking soothes fussy babies and helps them fall asleep for a sense of comfort and reassurance.
  • Day Lounger: Also doubles as a comfortable day lounger, allowing you to keep your baby close while you tackle household chores or just enjoy quality parent time.
  • Travel Companion: Its portability and foldable design make the bassinet the perfect travel companion, ensuring your baby enjoys a restful sleep even when you’re on the go.

Product advantages:

  • Improve sleep quality: The soft rocking and comfortable inner structure of the cradle promotes better sleep for your baby, allowing little ones to be fully rested and satisfied.
  • Easy to move: The bassinet’s portability and compact design make it an ideal solution for families on the move, providing baby with a familiar and comfortable sleeping space wherever they go.
  • A SPACE-SAVING SOLUTION: Its collapsible design and ability to fit through doorways makes the bassinet a space-saving alternative to traditional cribs or full-size bassinets.
  • Peace of mind for parents: The bassinet’s sturdy construction and adherence to safety standards give parents peace of mind knowing their baby is resting in a safe and protected environment.


  • Comfortable Sleeping Space: Our portable co sleeper bassinet for tall bed is the perfect sleep solution for newborns and babies, providing them with a comfortable, soothing space for a restful night’s sleep.
  • Travel with ease: Whether it’s a family trip or visiting friends and family, the bassinet ensures your baby will sleep comfortably and undisturbed while traveling.
  • Daytime Sleeper: The comfortable design of the bassinet makes it the ideal place for your baby to relax and rest during the day while you carry out your daily activities.

All in all, the portable co sleeper bassinet for tall bed embodies practicality, comfort, and versatility, making it a great addition to your baby’s sleeping routine. Whether providing a nurturing sleeping space at home or ensuring a restful night’s sleep while you’re on the go, our bassinets will be your reliable companions and create cherished early parenthood memories. Invest in the joy of parenthood and give your baby the peace they deserve with our portable bassinets.

تفاصيل المنتج: 


هذا السرير المحمول مزود بوظيفة هزاز ، ويمكن طيه لتخزينه في مساحة صغيرة. 

بفضل نظام الطي المدمج والبسيط ، فهي تحظى بشعبية بين العملاء. 


لقد صنعنا هذا السرير القابل للطي وفقًا لـ معايير السلامة، يناسب الطفل منذ الولادة وحتى 9 كغخلال 6 أشهر. 

ال رأس السحاب استخدمناها بدون أي ثقب لأغراض السلامة ؛ 

ال قماش نسيج مملوء بالقطن الناعم ؛ 

فراش في 3 سم ، مع نسيج شبكي هوائي: ناعم ومسامي ؛ 

طي سهل: طريقة بسيطة جدًا للتشغيل ، سيتم إرسال الفيديو إذا لزم الأمر. 

تمت إضافة ملف مقطع قابل للطي للتثبيت عند طيها ؛ 

مختلف ارتفاع من 51 إلى 70 سم ، يمكن استخدامها كزاوية إمالة للتغذية وتغيير الحفاضات. 


منتجات ذات صله

رسالة المجلس

ما هو 7 + 4؟
